九州大学歯学部口腔外科学第2講座 | 論文
- Temporomandibular joint clicking in the neonate: Report of two cases.
- Conservative treatment of condylar neck fracture of the TMJ - Intermaxillary elastic traction with bite-block and lateral percutaneous compression.:intermaxillary elastic traction with bite-block and lateral percutaneous compression
- 口腔外科領域におけるCH-800(Fentiazac)の臨床評価--多施設二重盲検比較試験
- 過換気症候群を有する患者の歯科治療
- 顎関節脱臼のX線学的観察
- A case of Hodgkin's disease of the submandibular lymph nodes.
- 耳下腺唾石症の臨床的検索
- Two cases of oral multiple cancer.
- 口腔扁平苔癬の臨床病理学的所見と免疫担当細胞の分布様相との関連について
- A case of mandibular prognathism with submucosal cleft palate and mandibular five-incisors
- A case of polycythemia vera with abnormal bleeding after gingival incision.
- Quantitative functional test of autonomic nervous system-application of Autonomic R-200 for patients in oral surgery.
- 下顎角部骨折の治療経験
- 小児の上顎骨に発生した中心性巨細胞肉芽腫の1例
- 外傷性脱臼歯, 脱落歯の再植例の臨床的観察
- Immunohistochemical study on the labial salivary glands of the Sjoegren's syndrome patients.
- Double headed condyle of the temporomandibular joint: Report of three cases.
- 上唇小唾液腺に生じた唾石症の2例 文献的考察を加えて
- 唾液腺腫瘍160症例の臨床統計的検索
- Sjogren 症候群における口唇腺の病理組織学的検索