樋田 幸夫 | Crop Production and Postharvest Technology Divi-sion, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
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- 同名の論文著者
- Crop Production and Postharvest Technology Divi-sion, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciencesの論文著者
論文 | ランダム
- 21406 マルチアンテナ型RFプラズマによるメートル級大面積での低ダメージプロセスと制御(基調講演,デバイス&配線技術2,OS.1 機械工学が支援する微細加工技術(半導体・MEMS・NEMS),学術講演)
- Characterization of ion energy distribution in inductively coupled argon plasmas sustained with multiple internal-antenna units (Special issue: Dry process)
- Large-Area and High-Speed Deposition of Microcrystalline Silicon Film by Inductive Coupled Plasma using Internal Low-Inductance Antenna
- 静岡支部学術活動のあゆみ(◇中部部会)
- Characterization of Inductively-Coupled RF Plasma Sources with Multiple Low-Inductance Antenna Units