- 論文の詳細を見る
A Pulse detonation engine (PDE) is an internal combustion engine that generates power due to intermittent detonations. As an air supply method, many researchers used the solenoid valves. However, it is unsuitable for air breathing engines which use air from the atmosphere. Then, for practical use there, the PDE is expected to be equipped with some kind of rotary valves which can induce air intermittently from the atmosphere. Although some researchers reported the results using such valves for the PDE, a detailed study of the continuous operation PDE has not been reported yet, so it is meaningful to examine the behavior and the optimization of the PDE with the rotary valve. For this object, it is experimented to prove a certain, continuous operation of 40Hz by this device. The combustion test was performed for 30, 35, and 40Hz operations. The performance was evaluated by two parameters, i.e., thrust F [N] and impulse per unit area Icycle [Ns/m2]. As a result, a 120 cycle, 3 seconds operation was able to be achieved by 40Hz. The impulse was decreased as the operation frequency increased, although the thrust was slightly increased.
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