Minegishi Toshio | The Government Chemical Industrial Research Institute
Takaya Haruo
The Government Chemical Industrial Research Institute
Todo Naoyuki
The Government Chemical Industrial Research Institute
Hosoya Tadasuke
The Government Chemical Industrial Research Institute
Minegishi Toshio
The Government Chemical Industrial Research Institute
Hosoya Tadasuke
The Government Chemical Industrial Research Institute, Tokyo
Yoneoka Mikio
Japan Gas-Chemical Company Inc., Niigata Laboratory
Takaya Haruo
The Government Chemical Industrial Research Institute, Tokyo
Takaya Haruo
The Government Chemical Industrial Reserch Institute, Tokyo
Todo Naoyuki
The Government Chemical Industrial Research Institute, Tokyo
Minegishi Toshio
The Government Chemical Industrial Research Institute, Tokyo
Yoneoka Mikio
Japan Gas-Chemical Company, Inc., Niigata Laboratory
Oshio Hideki
The Research Laboratory, Central Glass Company, Ltd.
- Cleaning Effects of the Reactant in the Liquid-phase Isomerization of m-Xylene over a Silica-Alumina Catalyst under Pressure
- The Effect of Pressure on the Rate of the Acid-catalyzed Hydration of Propylene
- The Nature of a Bond between a Water Molecule and a Protonated Propylene in the Activated Complex for the Acid-catalyzed Hydration of Propylene
- Equilibria of the Isomerization of Xylene at 290°C under a Pressure of 300–6000 kg/cm2