Kato Makoto | Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Kato Makoto
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Kato Makoto
Faculty Of Integrated Human Sciences Kyoto University
Kato M
Shinshu Univ. Nagano Jpn
Kato Makoto
Graduate School Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agr. And Tech.
Itioka T
Laboratory Of Applied Entomology Graduate School Of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya University
Kato Makoto
Biological Laboratory Yoshida College Kyoto University
Hamid A
Forest Dep. Sarawak Sarawak Mys
Hamid Abang
Forest Department Sarawak Wisma Sumbar Alam
Sota T
Department Of Zoology Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Sota Teiji
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Shinshu University
- Seasonality and Vertical Structure of Light-Attracted Insect Communities in a Dipterocarp Forest in Sarawak
- Insect-flower relationship in the temperate deciduous forest of Kibune, Kyoto: an overview of the flowering phenology and the seasonal pattern of insect visits
- Proboscis Lengths and Flower Utilization of Bumblebees from Sumatra and Java
- Nest Structure, Colony Composition and Foraging Activity of a Tropical-Montane Bumblebee, Bombus senex (Hymenoptera : Apidae), in West Sumatra
- Peregrinamor gastrochaenans (Bivalvia : Mollusca), a New Species Symbiotic with the Thalassinidean Shrimp Upogebia carinicauda (Decapoda : Crustacea)
- Effects of leaf quality and microhabitat on the survival of a leaf-rolling weevil (Attelabidae)
- To be suspended or to be cut off? Differences in the performance of two types of leaf-rolls constructed by the attelabid beetle Cycnotrachelus roelofsi
- Various population fluctuation patterns of light-attracted beetles in a tropical lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak
- An analysis on the spatial distribution patterns of basidiocarps of Agaricales in a Castanopsis-dominated forest in Kyoto
- Melittophily and Ornithophily of Long-tubed Flowers in Zingiberaceae and Gesneriaceae in West Sumatra