LANTZ Trevor | Department of Biological sciences, University of Alberta
Department of Biological sciences, University of Alberta | 論文
- Heteroconium chaetospira, a dark septate root endophyte allied to the Herpotrichiellaceae (Chaetothyriales) obtained from some forest soil samples in Canada using bait plants
- Tetranorditerpene Lactones, Potent Antifungal Antibiotics for Human Pathogenic Yeasts, from a Unique Species of Oidiodendron
- ミクロネシアのパラオにおけるパラオナンヨウブユ(双翔目:ブユ科)の分類および生態に関するノート:成虫の再記載ならびに蛹および成熟幼虫の記載
- Differential expression of the genes involved in amino acids and nitrogen metabolisms during liver regeneration of mice
- Evolution of class switch recombination function in fish activation-induced cytidine deaminase, AID