Naoya Maruyama | RIKEN
Satoshi Matsuoka
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Naoya Maruyama
Satoshi Matsuoka
National Inst. Of Informatics
Adam Moody
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Todd Gamblin
Center for Applied Scientific Computing, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Todd Gamblin
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Kento Sato
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kathryn Mohror
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Kento Sato
Tokyo Institute of Technology|Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Jeremy S.Meredith
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Keisuke Fukuda
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Jeffrey S.Vetter
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Burst SSD Buffer: Checkpoint Strategy at Extreme Scale
- Performance modeling of a hierarchcial N-body algorithm for arbitrary particle distribution (Unrefereed Workshop Manuscript)