MARUYAMA Koichi | Institute for Nuclear Study,University of Tokyo
Institute for Nuclear Study,University of Tokyo | 論文
- ^C (p, t)^C and ^C (p, ^3He)^B Reactions at E_p=51.9 MeV
- Angular Distribution for the Reaction ^O(p,t)^O^* (6.27 MeV) and Channel Coupling Effects
- Analyzing Power-Polarization Inequality in the Inelastic Scattering of Protons on 12C for Incident Energies from 22.0 to 29.0 MeV
- Excited States of ^B near 10 MeV Studied by Proton Induced Reactions on ^9Be
- Proton Inelastic Scattering on ^Si and Blocking Effect in the Core-Excitation of ^Si