中野 真也 | Department Of Chemical Engineering Osaka University
中野 真也
Department Of Chemical Engineering Osaka University
大垣 一成
大阪大学 大学院基礎工学研究科
松原 拓也
Department of Chemical Engineering, Osaka University
松原 拓也
Department Of Chemical Engineering Osaka University
高柳 義男
高柳 元明
古沢 忍
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cancer Research Institute, Tohoku College of Pharmacy
小阪 かおり
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cancer Research Institute, Tohoku College of Pharmacy
高柳 元明
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cancer Research Institute, Tohoku College of Pharmacy
高柳 義男
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cancer Research Institute, Tohoku College of Pharmacy
佐々木 健一
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cancer Research Institute, Tohoku College of Pharmacy
大垣 一成
Department of Chemical Engineering, Osaka University
山中 誠司
Department of Chemical Engineering, Osaka University
中野 真也
古沢 忍
山中 誠司
Department Of Chemical Engineering Osaka University
佐々木 健一
東北薬科大学 癌研究所第二部
進藤 典子
小阪 かおり
Department Of Pharmacology And Toxicology Cancer Research Institute Tohoku College Of Pharmacy
佐々木 健一
Department of Chemical Pharmacology and Department of Biochemistry, Tohoku College of Pharmacy
- Inhibition of Doxorubicin-Induced Cell Death in Vitro and in Vivo by Cycloheximide
- CO_2, CH_4 および CO_2-CH_4混合包接化合物の分解
- 天然ガス生産・二酸化炭素海底隔離の基礎研究--気体包接化合物の構造・物性の解明 (総特集 メタンハイドレ-ト研究の最前線)