Hoshino J. | Technical Research Laboratory of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (The Japanese Marine Corpoitaron)
Hoshino Jiro
Technical Research Institute Japanese Marine Corporation.
Hoshino J.
Technical Research Laboratory of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (The Japanese Marine Corpoitaron)
Hoshino Jiro
Technical Research Laboratory Of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (the Japanese Marine Corpoitaron)
Hoshino Jiro
Technical Research Laboratory Of The Japanese Marine Corporation
- Some Studies on Rotating Bending Fatigue of Large Mild Steel Specimen : Part 2,Propagation of Crack in Plain Cylindrical Specimens
- Some Studies on the Rotating Bending Fatigue of Large Mild Steel Specimens : Part 4,Effect of Size on Fatigue Strength of Cracked Specimen and Propagation Rate of Fatigue Crack