TSUJI Satsuki | Genome Res. Group. , Natl. Inst. Radial. Sci.
Tsuji Satsuki
Genome Res. Group. Natl. Inst. Radial. Sci.
TSUJI Satsuki
Genome Res. Group. , Natl. Inst. Radial. Sci.
Yamauchi Masatake
Genome Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
MORIMYO Mitsuoki
Genetics, Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
MORIMYO Mitsuoki
Genome Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Yamauchi Masatake
Genetics Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
TSUJI Satsuki
Genome Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences,
Tsuji Satsuki
Radiation Safety Research Center National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Morimyo Mitsuoki
Genetics Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Yamauchi Masatake
Genome Res. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
MITA Kazuei
Genome Research Department, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Saito Toshiyuki
Saito Toshiyuki
Genome Research Group National Institute Radiological Sciences
Mita Kazuei
Mita Kazuei
Genome Research Department National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Saito Toshiyuki
Transcriptome Profiling Group Nat'l Inst. Radiat. Sci.
MITA Kazuei
Genome Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences,
SAITO Toshiyuki
Genome Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
HORI Tada-aki
Genome Res. , Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Saito Toshiyuki
Genome Res. G. Nail. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Tsuji Satsuki
Genome Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Saito T
Kitazato Univ. School Of Medicine Sagamihara Jpn
Ishikawa Yuji
Res. Center For Radiation Protection National Inst. Of Radiological Sciences
TSUJI Satsuki
Radiation Safety Research Center, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
SEKI naohiko
Gene Str. I, Kazusa DNA Res. Inst.
HONGO Etsuko
Low Dose Radiation, Radiation Safety Center, Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
HIGASHI Tomoyasu
Low Dose Radiation, Radiation Safety Center, Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Genetics, Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
HONGO Etsuko
Genome Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
HIGASHI Tomoyasu
Genome Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
SUGAYA Kimihiko
Genome Research Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Hirayama Yasuko
Genome Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Div. of Biol., Nat. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
HORI Tada-aki
Transcriptome Profiling Group, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Woo-Yoon PARK
Chungbuk National Univ.
Seki Naohiko
Seki Naohiko
Genome Research Group National Institute Radiological Sciences
Hongo Etsuko
Low Dose Radiation Radiation Safety Center Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Hori Tada-aki
Transcriptome Profiling Group National Inst. Of Radiological Sciences
Hori Tada-aki
Transcriptome Profiling Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Hori Tada-aki
Genome Res. G.
Appi. Biol. Sci., Kyoto Univ.
Kinosihta Masato
Appi. Biol. Sci. Kyoto Univ.
Sugaya Kimihiko
Genome Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
SAEKI Tetsuya
Genome Res. Group. , Natl. Inst. Radial. Sci.
Saeki Tetsuya
Genome Res. Group. Natl. Inst. Radial. Sci.
Higashi Tomoyasu
Low Dose Radiation Radiation Safety Center Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Hori Tada-aki
Genome Res. Nirs
Div. of BioL, Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci
- A novel minisatellite repeat expansion identified at FRA16B in a Japanese carrier.
- Cloning of DNA Repair Genes by Making S. pombe cDNA Catalog
- Molecular analysis of distamycin A - inducible chromosomal fragile site, FRA16B.
- Microcarrier particle-mediated gene transfer into the fertilized eggs of medakafish.
- Complementation Test of H2O2-Sensitive Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiac