Fujii Takao | Department of Applied Life Science, Sojo University
Department of Applied Life Science, Sojo University | 論文
- Metal Ion-induced Chirality and Morphology Control of Self-assembling Organogels from _L-Glutamic Acid-derived Lipids
- Determination of Critical Aggregation Concentrations of Self-Assembling Lipids in Nonpolar Organic Media Using Spiropyrans as Photochromic Probes
- Extraordinary Monomer-Dimer Transition of Methylene Blue Induced by the Phase Transition of Telomer-Bilayer Membranes Formed from Dialkyl L-Glutamate Amphiphiles with Oligo-Acrylic Acid-Head Group
- Steric-Control for the Enantioselective Hydrolysis of Amino Acid Esters in Hybrid Membrane Systems
- Extraordinary Diastereoselectivity Coupled to Altered Structure of Dipeptide Esters