RAPPAPORT LAWRENCE | Department of Vegetable Crops, University of California
Department of Vegetable Crops, University of California | 論文
- Znの欠乏が作物の生態および生理に及ぼす影響 : 第2報 トマトの生育, 窒素含有量および硝酸還元酵素の活性に及ぼすZn濃度と遮光の影響
- キウイフルーツの細胞壁多糖類の変化とレーザードップラー法により検出した粘弾性特性について
- Auxin- and hydrogen ion-induced cell wall loosening and cell extension in Avena coleoptile segments
- Changes in the Activities and Polypeptide Levels of Exo- and Endoglucanases in Cell Walls during Developmental Growth of Zea mays Coleoptiles
- Changes in the Autolytic Activities of Maize Coleoptile Cell Walls during Coleoptile Growth