KIM In | Division of Ceramics, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Division of Ceramics, Korea Institute of Science and Technology | 論文
- Dielectric Properties of (1-x)CaTiO_3-xLa(Zn_Ti_)O_3 Ceramics at Microwave Frequencies
- Microwave Dielectric Properties of the (1-x)La_TiO_3-xLaAlO_3 System
- Influence of Defect Segregation on the Electrical Properties of Nb-doped SrTiO_3 Grain Boundary Layer
- Influence of Grain boundary Layers on the Dielectric Relaxation of Nb-Doped SrTiO_3
- Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus with Amplatzer ductal occluder-intermediate term follow-up