古屋 泰文 | Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University | 論文
- A Web Server for Multi-objective Pairwise RNA Sequence Alignment with an Index for Selecting Accurate Alignments
- A Web Server for Multi-objective Pairwise RNA Sequence Alignment with an Index for Selecting Accurate Alignments
- A Web Server for Multi-objective Pairwise RNA Sequence Alignment with an Index for Selecting Accurate Alignments
- Influence of Sun Elevation Angles to Estimation Results of the Modified Optimization Technique(Poster Session I -Radar and SAR Technologies-,ICSANE 2010 (International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics))
- Foraminiferal evidence of submarine sediment transport and deposition by backwash during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami