SASAKI Misao | Department of Physics, School of Science, University of Tokyo
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science Osaka University
Research Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University
Research Institute for Theoretical Physics, Hiroshima University
Department of Physics, School of Science, University of Tokyo
Sasaki Misao
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Sasaki Misao
Department Of Earth And Space Science Osaka University
Sasaki Misao
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics Kyoto University
Tanaka T
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Tanaka Takahiro
Department Of Cardiology Showa General Hospital
NAKANO Hiroyuki
Theoretical Astrophysics, California Institute of Technology Pasadena
NAKANO Hiroyuki
Department of Physics and Astronomy, and Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy, The University of Texas at Brownsville
NAKANO Hiroyuki
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science Osaka University
Sasaki Misao
Department Of Physics Kyoto Univeristy
Nakano Hiroyuki
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Nakano H
Department Of Physics And Astronomy And Center For Gravitational Wave Astronomy The University Of Te
Nakano Hiroyuki
Department Of Public Health Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
MINO Ysushi
Dpartment of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science Osaka University
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Soda Jiro
Department Of Fundamental Sciences Fihs Kyoto University
Soda Jiro
Reaearch Institute For Theoretical Physics Hiroshima University
Nakano Hiroyuki
Department of Public Health, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Nakano H
Lithography Tech. Dept. Sony Corporation Msnc
Mino Yasushi
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University : Max-planck-insti
Kanno S
Department Of Physics Mcgill University
TAGOSHI Hideyuku
National Astronomical Observatory
TAGOSHI Hideyuki
National Astronomical Observator
TAGOSHI Hideyuki
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Kanno Shokichi
Department of Physics, McGill University
Soda J
Kyoto Univ. Jpn
Kanno Sugumi
Department Of Physics Mcgill University
Tanaka Take-aki
Physics Department Kochi University
Mino Y
Washington Univ. Mo Usa
Mino Yasushi
Department Of Physics Washington University
TANAKA Takahiro
Department of Mathematics, Physics and Earth Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ehime Univ
Tanaka Takahiro
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
SAGO Norichika
School of Mathematics, University of Southampton
SAGO Norichika
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Departamento de Fisica Teorica, Universidad del Pais Vasco
Hikida Wataru
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics Kyoto University
Jhingan Sanjay
Departamento De Fisica Teorica Universidad Del Pais Vasco
Sago Norichika
Osaka University
Tagoshi H
Department Of Earth And Space Science Osaka University:theoretical Astrophysics California Institute
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
SAGO Norichika
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University:Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Mino Yasushi
Department Of Earth And Space Science Osaka University : Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Sasaki M
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Department of Physics and Astrophysics, Nagoya University
APC, Universite
KANNO Sugumi
Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Deruelle Nathalie
Yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics Kyoto University
Takahashi Hirotaka
Department Of Pediatrics Tokyo Metropolitan Ohtsuka Hospital
Takahashi Hirotaka
Department Of Physics Niigata University:department Of Earth And Space Science Osaka University:yuka
Langlois David
Apc Universite
Sakka Makiko
Graduate School Of Bioresources Mie Univ.
Shibata M
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Uchida G
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University:yukawa Institute F
Gen Uchida
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University:department Of Phys
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
MINO Yasushi
Theoretical Astrophysics, California Institute of Technology Pasadena
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Sago Norichika
School Of Mathematics University Of Southampton
Sugiura Norimasa
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Sasaki Masao
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science. Hirosaki University
Shibata Masaru
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Kyoto University:(present)asahi Kasei Chemicals Industry Co. Lt
Sugiyama N
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Sugiyama Naoshi
Department Of Physics And Astrophysics Nagoya University
Nakano Hiroyuki
Department Of Mathematics And Physics Osaka City University
Sasaki Masao
Department Of Earth And Space Science Osaka University
Shibata Masaru
Department Of Earth And Space Science Osaka University
Tagoshi Hideyuki
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Himemoto Yoshiaki
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Himemoto Yoshiaki
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science
KANNO Sugumi
Institute of Cosmology, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Tufts University
NAKANO Hiroyuki
Department of Mathematics and Physics, Osaka City University
NAKANO Hiroyuki
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Department of Fundamental Sciences, FIHS, Kyoto University
Department of Earth and Space Science Faculty of Science, Osaka University
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
Department of Earth aud Space Science, Oasaka University
Mino Yasusi
Department of Physics, Washington University
Department of Physics, Niigata University:Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University:Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
TAGOSHI Hideyuki
Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University:Theoretical Astrophysics, California Institute of Technology
APC(CNRS-Universite Paris 7),
KANNO Sugumi
Department of Physics, McGill University
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
MINO Yasushi
Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University : Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University:Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
GEN Uchida
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University:Department of Physics, School of Science, University of Tokyo
Minamitsuji Masato
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Takahashi Hirotaka
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University
- Kaluza-Klein Braneworld Cosmology with Static Internal Dimensions(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- Born-Again Braneworld
- A New Analytical Method for Self-Force Regularization. I : Charged Scalar Particles in Schwarzschild Spacetime(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- Covariant Self-Force Regularization of a Particle Orbiting a Schwarzschild Black Hole : Mode Decomposition Regularization(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- Self-Force on a Scalar Charge in Circular Orbit around a Schwarzschild Black Hole
- Quantum Radion on de Sitter Branes
- Gravitational Waves by a Particle in Circular Orbits around a Schwarzschild Black Hole : 5.5 Post-Newtonian Formula : Astrophysics and Relativity
- An Improved Template Space for Gravitational Ringing of Black Holes(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- Radion on the de Sitter Brane
- The Gravitational Reaction Force on a Particle in the Schwarzschild Background
- Chapter 1 Black Hole Perturbation
- Anisotropies in Luminosity Distance : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Braneworld Inflation Driven by Dynamics of a Bulk Scalar Field
- The Spectrum of Gravitational Wave Perturbations in the One-Bubble Open Inflationary Universe : Astrophysics and Relativity
- Super-Horizon Scale Dynamics of Multi-Scalar Inflation
- Destabilizing Tachyonic Vacua at or above the BF Bound(Astrophysics and Cosmology)
- A New Analytical Method for Self-Force Regularization.II : Testing the Efficiency for Circular Orbits(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- Chapter 7 Gravitational Radiation Reaction
- Newton's Law on an Einstein "Gauss-Bonnet" Brane(Astrophysics and Relativity)
- Linearized Gravity on the de Sitter Brane in the Einstein Gauss-Bonnet Theory(Astrophysics and Relativity)