SHEPHERD Philip | Immunology, GKT Medical and Dental School, St. Thomas' Campus
論文 | ランダム
- ポストテンション方式プレストレストコンクリート梁のFRPによる補修・補強, P. R. Chakrabaarti: Repairing and Retrofitting Post-Tensioned Beam [Concrete International, Vol. 27, No.4, February 2005, pp.45-48](構造,文献抄録)
- 複合フレーム構造実大実験による耐震性能の評価, Gregory G Deierlein, Paul Cordova, Keh-Chyuan Tsai, Chui-Hsin Chen, and Wem-Chi Lai: Composite moment frame -Full scale testing confirms seismic performance[Concrete International Vol.27, No.5, May 2005, pp.39-43](構造,文献抄録)
- NSM-FRPの付着メカニズム, Tarek K. Hassan and Sami H. Rizkalla: Bond Mechanism of Near-Surface-Mounted Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars for Flexural Strengthening of Concrete Structures[ACI Structural Journal, Vol.101, No.6, November-December 2004, pp.830-839](構造,文献抄
- 高次モードの影響を弾性仮定する修正MPA法の評価, Anil K. Chopra and Rakesh K Goel: Evaluation of modified MPA procedure assuming higher modes as elastic to estimate seismic demands[Earthquake Spectra, Vol.20, No.3, August 2004, pp.757-778](構造,文献抄録)
- 鉄筋コンクリート柱および梁の曲げ剛性;解析的検証, AMadhu Khuntia and S.K.Ghosh : Flexural Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Columns and Beams : Analytical Approach[ACI Structural Journal, Vol.101, No.3, May-June. 2004, pp.351-363](構造,文献抄録)