New terpenoids, olibanumols D-G, from traditional Egyptian medicine olibanum, the gum-resin of Boswellia carterii
森川 敏生
Pharmaceutical Res. And Technol. Inst. Kinki Univ.
前田 初男
Maeda Hatsuo
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University
松田 久司
Kyoto Pharmaceutical Univ.
- Brazilian Natural Medicines. III. Structures of Triterpene Oligoglycosides and Lipase Inhibitors from Mate, Leaves of Ilex paraguariensis
- Medicinal Flowers. XXVI. Structures of Acylated Oleanane-Type Triterpene Oligoglycosides, Yuchasaponins A, B, C, and D, from the Flower Buds of Camellia oleifera : Gastroprotective, Aldose Reductase Inhibitory, and Radical Scavenging Effects
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- Hydroxychavicol : a potent xanthine oxidase inhibitor obtained from the leaves of betel, Piper betle
- A New Amide, Piperchabamide F, and Two New Phenylpropanoid Glycosides, Piperchabaosides A and B, from the Fruit of Piper chaba
- Histamine Release Inhibitory Activity of Piper nigrum Leaf(Pharmacognosy)
- Medicinal Flowers. XXI. : Structures of Perennisaponins A, B, C, D, E, and F, Acylated Oleanane-Type Triterpene Oligoglycosides, from the Flowers of Bellis perennis
- 食品薬学:薬食同源の視点から薬用食品を科学する —デイジーフラワーの中性脂質上昇抑制作用サポニン成分—
- 茶花(チャ,Camellia sinensis,花蕾部)の機能性サポニン : Floratheasaponin類の胃保護作用と血糖値上昇抑制作用及びHPLCを用いた定性及び定量分析
- Four new ursane-type triterpenes, olibanumols K, L, M, and N, from traditional Egyptian medicine olibanum, the gum-resin of Boswellia carterii
- Iridoid and acyclic monoterpene glycosides, kankanosides L, M, N, O, and P from Cistanche tubulosa
- Structures of novel norstilbene dimer, longusone A, and three new stilbene dimers, longusols A, B, and C, with antiallergic and radical scavenging activities from Egyptian natural medicine Cyperus longus
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXXVI. Four New Acylated Phenylethanoid Oligoglycosides, Kankanosides J1, J2, K1, and K2, from Stems of Cistanche tubulosa
- Medicinal Flowers. XXVII : New Flavanone and Chalcone Glycosides, Arenariumosides I, II, III, and IV, and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Inhibitors from Everlasting, Flowers of Helichrysum arenarium
- Structures of Acetylated Oleanane-Type Triterpene Saponins, Rarasaponins IV, V, and VI, and Anti-hyperlipidemic Constituents from the Pericarps of Sapindus rarak
- Medicinal flowers. 28. structures of five new glycosides, everlastosides A, B, C, D, and E, from the flowers of Helichrysum arenarium
- Absolute Stereostructures of Olibanumols A, B, C, H, I, and J from Olibanum, Gum-Resin of Boswellia carterii, and Inhibitors of Nitric Oxide Production in Lipopolysaccharide-Activated Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages
- Medicinal Flowers. XXX. Eight New Glycosides, Everlastosides F—M, from the Flowers of Helichrysum arenarium
- Medicinal Flowers. XXIV. Chemical Structures and Hepatoprotective Effects of Constituents from Flowers of Hedychium coronarium
- Medicinal Flowers. XXIII. New Taraxastane-Type Triterpene, Punicanolic Acid, with Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Inhibitory Activity from the Flowers of Punica granatum
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXXII : Aminopeptidase N and Aldose Reductase Inhibitors from Sinocrassula indica: Structures of Sinocrassosides B_4, B_5, C_1, and D_1-D_3
- Medicinal Foodstuffs. XXXIV. : Structures of New Prenylchalcones and Prenylflavanones with TNF-α and Aminopeptidase N Inhibitory Activities from Boesenbergia rotunda
- Medicinal foodstuffs (33) Gastroprotective principles from Boesenbergia rotunda (zingiberaceae): absolute stereostructures of diels-alder type addition prenylchalcones
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXVI : Chemical Structures and Hepatoprotective Effects of Constituents from Roots of Rhodiola sachalinensis
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXIV. : Hypoglycemic Effects of Sinocrassula indica in Sugar-Loaded Rats and Genetically Diabetic KK-A^y Mice and Structures of New Acylated Flavonol Glycosides, Sinocrassosides A_1, A_2, B_1, and B_2
- C-17 カンカニクジュヨウ(Cistanche tubulosa)の肝保護作用成分(女性医学・肝,一般演題口演,第24回和漢医薬学会大会 和漢薬の複雑さ-経験知と科学知-)
- Inhibitory effects of acylated acyclic sesquiterpene oligoglycosides from the pericarps of Sapindus rarak on tumor necrosis factor-α-induced cytotoxicity
- New terpenoids, olibanumols D-G, from traditional Egyptian medicine olibanum, the gum-resin of Boswellia carterii
- Apoptosis-Inducing Effects of Sterols from the Dried Powder of Cultured Mycelium of Cordyceps sinensis
- 砂漠人参カンカニクジュョウ(Cistanche tubulosa)の肝保護活性成分--構造活性相関と作用機作 (食品薬学シンポジウム講演要旨集)
- 薬用食品スイボンソウ(Sedum sarmentosum)の新規配糖体成分と肝保護作用 (食品薬学シンポジウム講演要旨集)
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXIII. Absolute Structures of New Megastigmane Glycosides, Sedumosides A_4, A_5, A_6, H, and I, and Hepatoprotective Megastigmanes from Sedum sarmentosum
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXII. Absolute Structures of New Megastigmane Glycosides, Sedumosides E_1, E_2, E_3, F_1, F_2, and G, from Sedum sarmentosum (Crassulaceae)
- Bioactive Saponins and Glycosides. XXVIII. New Triterpene Saponins, Foliatheasaponins I, II, III, IV, and V, from Tencha (the Leaves of Camellia sinensis)
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- Quality of Angelica acutiloba roots cultivated and processed in Sichuan province of China
- Antiallergic activity of unripe Citrus hassaku fruits extract and its flavanone glycosides on chemical substance-induced dermatitis in mice
- Inhibitory Effects of Citrus hassaku Extract and Its Flavanone Glycosides on Melanogenesis(Pharmacognosy)
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- Comparative Evaluation of 12 Immature Citrus Fruit Extracts for the Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 Isoform Activities(Pharmacognosy)
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- Inhibitory Effects of Thunberginols A, B, and F on Degranulations and Releases of TNF-α and IL-4 in RBL-2H3 Cells(Pharmacognosy)
- Sesquiterpenes from Curcuma comosa
- Structures of New Sesquiterpenes from Curcuma comosa
- Structures of New Cucurbitane-Type Triterpenes and Glycosides, Karavilagenins D and E, and Karavilosides 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, from the Fruit of Momordica charantia
- P-30 チャ(Camellia sinensis)およびツバキ(C. japonica)花部,種子および葉部の生体機能性サポニン(ポスター発表の部)
- Iridoid and Acyclic Monoterpene Glycosides, Kankanosides L, M, N, O, and P from Cistanche tubulosa
- Testosterone 5α-Reductase Inhibitory Active Constituents of Piper nigrum Leaf(Pharmacognosy)
- Chemical Constituents from Seeds of Panax ginseng : Structure of New Dammarane-Type Triterpene Ketone, Panaxadione, and HPLC Comparisons of Seeds and Flesh
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXXIII : Inhibitors from the Seeds of Psoralea corylifolia on Production of Nitric Oxide in Lipopolysaccharide-Activated Macrophages(Pharmacognosy)
- Structures of New Monoterpenes from Thai Herbal Medicine Curcuma comosa
- Medicinal Flowers. XXII Structures of Chakasaponins V and VI, Chakanoside I, and Chakaflavonoside A from Flower Buds of Chinese Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)
- Synthesis of 3-Substituted Isocoumarins and Their Inhibitory Effects on Degranulation of RBL-2H3 Cells Induced by Antigen
- Electrochemical Detection of Alcohols and Carbohydrates at a Glassy Carbon Electrode Coated with a Poly(phenylene oxide) Film Containing Immobilized 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxyl (TEMPO)
- Surface Characterization of Glassy Carbon Electrodes Anodized in 1-Alkanols by Their Wettability and Capacitance
- Amperometric Detection of Alcohols and Carbohydrates Coupled with Their Electrocatalytic Oxidation by 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxy (TEMPO)
- Indirect Detection of Alkaline Earth Ions by the Voltammetric Response of Ferricyanide Anion at a Glassy Carbon Electrode Anodized in 1-Octanol
- Voltammetric Behaviors of Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid at a Glassy Carbon Electrode Anodized in 1, ω-Alkanediol
- New Triterpene Constituents, Foliasalacins A_1-A_4, B_1-B_3, and C, from the Leaves of Salacia chinensis
- Absolute Structures of New Megastigmane Glycosides, Foliasalaciosides E_1, E_2, E_3, F, G, H, and I from the Leaves of Salacia chinensis
- Bioactive constituents from Chinese natural medicines. 25. New flavonol bisdesmosides, sarmenosides 1, 2, 3, and 4, with hepatoprotective activity from sedum sarmentosum (crassulaceae)
- Reinvestigation of Absolute Stereostructure of (-)-Rosiridol : Structures of Monoterpene Glycosides, Rosiridin, Rosiridosides A, B, and C, from Rhodiola sachalinensis
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXIX. : Monoterpene and Monoterpene Glycosides from the Roots of Rhodiola sachalinensis
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XXVIII. : Chemical Structures of Acyclic Alcohol Glycosides from the Roots of Rhodiola crenulata
- Medicinal Flowers. XVII. : New Dammarane-Type Triterpene Glycosides from Flower Buds of American Ginseng, Panax quinquefolium L.
- Medicinal Flowers. XVI. New Dammarane-Type Triterpene Tetraglycosides and Gastroprotective Principles from Flower Buds of Panax ginseng
- Medicinal Flowers. XV. The Structures of Noroleanane- and Oleanane-Type Triterpene Oligoglycosides with Gastroprotective and Platelet Aggregation Activities from Flower Buds of Camellia japonica
- Medicinal Flowers. XIV. New Acylated Oleanane-Type Triterpene Oligoglycosides with Antiallergic Activity from Flower Buds of Chinese Tea Plant(Camellia sinensis)
- Medicinal Flowers. XI. Structures of New Dammarane-Type Triterpene Diglycosides with Hydroperoxide Group from Flower Buds of Panax ginseng
- Bioactive Saponins and Glycosides. XXVII. Structures of New Cucurbitane-Type Triterpene Glycosides and Antiallergic Constituents from Citrullus colocynthis
- Medicinal Flowers. XII. New Spirostane-Type Steroid Saponins with Antidiabetogenic Activity from Borassus flabellifer
- Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XX. Inhibitors of Antigen-Induced Degranulation in RBL-2H3 Cells from the Seeds of Psoralea corylifolia
- Bioactive Saponins and Glycosides. XXV. Acylated Oleanane-Type Triterpene Saponins from the Seeds of Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)
- Structures of New Cucurbitane-Type Triterpenes and Glycosides, Karavilagenins and Karavilosides, from the Dried Fruit of Momordica charantia L. in Sri Lanka
- Structures of New Flavonoids, Erycibenins D, E, and F, and NO Production Inhibitors from Erycibe expansa Originating in Thailand
- Invasion Inhibitors of Human Fibrosarcoma HT 1080 Cells from the Rhizomes of Zingiber cassumunar: Structures of Phenylbutanoids, Cassumunols
- Structures of Novel Norstilbene Dimer, Longusone A, and Three New Stilbene Dimers, Longusols A, B, and C, with Antiallergic and Radical Scavenging Activities from Egyptian Natural Medicine Cyperus longus
- Structures of New Flavonoids and Benzofuran-Type Stilbene and Degranulation Inhibitors of Rat Basophilic Leukemia Cells from the Brazilian Herbal Medicine Cissus sicyoides
- Dehydroxy Substitution Reactions of the Anomeric Hydroxy Groups in Some Protected Sugars Initiated by Anodic Oxidation of Triphenylphosphine
- Preparation of Cyclic α-Hydroxy Ketones from δ- and ε-Keto Acids Induced by the Generation of a Novel Acyl Anion Equivalent from the Carboxy Group
- Fluorination of Secondary and Primary Alcohols by Thermal Decomposition of Electrochemically Generated Alkoxy Triphenylphosphonium Tetrafluoroborates
- Generation of Acyl Radical Equivalents by Cathodic Reduction of Acyl Tributylphosphonium Ions
- Four New Ursane-Type Triterpenes, Olibanumols K, L, M, and N, from Traditional Egyptian Medicine Olibanum, the Gum-Resin of Boswellia carterii
- Inhibitory Effects of Acylated Acyclic Sesquiterpene Oligoglycosides from the Pericarps of Sapindus rarak on Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-Induced Cytotoxicity
- New flavanone oligoglycosides, theaflavanosides 1, 2, 3, and 4, with hepatoprotective activity from the seeds of tea plant (Camellia sinensis)
- Antidiabetogenic Constituents from the Thai Traditional Medicine Cotylelobium melanoxylon
- Medicinal Flowers. XXXI. Acylated Oleanane-Type Triterpene Saponins, Sasanquasaponins I—V, with Antiallergic Activity from the Flower Buds of Camellia sasanqua
- Cucurbitane-Type Triterpenes with Anti-proliferative Effects on U937 Cells from an Egyptian Natural Medicine, Bryonia cretica: Structures of New Triterpene Glycosides, Bryoniaosides A and B
- Structures of New Phenylbutanoids and Nitric Oxide Production Inhibitors from the Rhizomes of Zingiber cassumunar
- Medicinal Flowers. XXXII. : Structures of Oleanane-Type Triterpene Saponins, Perennisosides VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII, from the Flowers of Bellis perennis
- Chemical structures and hepatoprotective effects of constituents from the leaves of Salacia chinensis
- Inhibitory effects of devil's claw (secondary root of Harpagophytum procumbens) extract and harpagoside on cytokine production in mouse macrophages
- Chemical Structures and Hepatoprotective Effects of Constituents from the Leaves of Salacia chinensis
- Quantitative analysis of neosalacinol and neokotalanol, another two potent α-glucosidase inhibitors from Salacia species, by LC-MS with ion pair chromatography
- New terpenoids, olibanumols D-G, from traditional Egyptian medicine olibanum, the gum-resin of Boswellia carterii
- Medicinal Flowers (33) Anti-hyperlipidemic and Anti-hyperglycemic Effects of Chakasaponins ?-? and Structure of Chakasaponin ? from Flower Buds of Chinese Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis)
- New flav-3-en-3-ol glycosides, kaempferiaosides C and D, and acetophenone glycosides, kaempferiaosides E and F, from the rhizomes of Kaempferia parviflora