藤本 喬雄 | 岡山大学経済学部
- Some Remarks on the Univalence of Nonlinear Mappings
- A Simple Model of Consensus Formation
- Univalence of Nonlinear Mappings : A Qualitative Approach (A Special Number issued in Commemoration of Professor Toshimi Fujimoto's Retirement)
- N88-BASIC型ディスク内容の保存(藤本利躬教授退官記念号)
- Global Comparative Statics for Models with Hicksian Imperfect Stability
- A Generic Windows Program for Goodwin's Growth Cycle Model
- A Note on Duality in Inequality Systems
- Comparative Statics in the Large : A Note
- MS-DOS時代の思い出(2)
- MS-DOS時代の思い出
- A Case for Restricting Rice Import(山下隆弘教授退官記念号)
- Marx All Vindicated : Falling Rate of Profit (2)
- Harrodian Instability Principle in Full Disequilibrium (橋本博之教授退官記念号)
- Marx All Vindicated : Falling Rate of Profit (土生芳人教授退官記念号)
- Order Three May Imply 'Order'(Nonlinear Analysis and Mathematical Economics)
- Okishio's Theorem Generalized(Nonlinear Analysis and Mathematical Economics)