石川 剛郎 | 北海道大学大学院理学研究院
- 境界付きルジャンドル曲面の特異性幾何と射影双対 (微分方程式と微分幾何学への応用特異点論)
- Local classification of varieties in the symplectic space (The second Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities)
- A differentiable structure on a mapping space quotient and its application to the moduli problem(Singularities and o-minimal category)
- Extra singularities of geometric solutions to Monge-Ampere equations of three variables(Developments of Cartan Geometry and Related Mathematical Problems)
- Motivic integration in non-holonomic geometry (New methods and subjects in singularity theory)
- Tangentially degenerate fronts and their singularities : A survey (Several topics in singularity theory)
- Recent Results on Developable Submanifolds : Examples and Classifications (Lie Groups, Geometric Structures and Differential Equations : One Hundred Years after Sophus Lie)
- Several Questions on Singularities : Theories and Applications (Singularity Theory and its Applications)
- Developable hypersurfaces and algebraic homogeneous spaces in a real projective space (Homogeneous Structures and Theory of Submanifolds)
- Singularities of sub-Riemannian exponential mappings, conjugate loci (caustics), wave fronts, cut loci and Carnot-Caratheodory small-balls (Recent results by Agrachev, El-Alaoui, Gauthier, Ge and Kupka)
- Topology of plane trigonometric curves and a duality for strangeness of place curves derived from real pseudo-line arrangements
- Maslov classes of Lagrange varieties and Legendre varieties(Microlocal Geometry)
- Basic problems on singularities of isotropic mappings(Real Singularities and Real Algebraic Geometry)
- Topics on Hilbert's 16th problem(Real Algebraic Geometry)
- トロピカル幾何と特異性に関する基本的トピックス (実閉体上の幾何と特異点論への応用)
- 写像の特異性の分類問題とその応用