OKA Mohachiro | Oita National College of Technology
OKA Mohachiro
Oita National College of Technology
Enokizono Masato
Oita Univ.
Oita National College of Technology
Shimada Kazunori
Oita National College Of Technology
Oita University
Enokizono Masato
Oita University
Kawano Makoto
Oita National College Of Technology
Tsuchida Yuji
Oita University
Tsuchida Yuji
Faculty Of Engineering Oita University
Faculty of Engineering, Oita University
- Examination of the Stator Winding Method for Iron Loss Evaluation in an Actual Stator Core (特集 The 20th MAGDA Conference in Pacific Asia (MAGDA2011))
- Influence of External Stress on Iron Loss in an Actual Stator Core Using the Excitation Inner Core Method(The 20th MAGDA Conference in Pacific Asia (MAGDA2011))
- Fatigue Evaluation of Low Carbon Steel by Means of the Inductance Method Using a Pancake-Type Coil
- Examination of the Stator Winding Method for Iron Loss Evaluation in an Actual Stator Core(The 20th MAGDA Conference in Pacific Asia (MAGDA2011))
- Fatigue Evaluation of Low Carbon Steel by Means of the Inductance Method Using a Pancake-Type Coil(The 20th MAGDA Conference in Pacific Asia (MAGDA2011))
- Fatigue Evaluation of Low Carbon Steel by Means of the Inductance Method Using a Pancake-Type Coil
- Influence of External Stress on Iron Loss in an Actual Stator Core Using the Excitation Inner Core Method
- Fatigue Evaluation of Low Carbon Steel by Means of the Inductance Method Using a Pancake-Type Coil