Kim Hong | Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Kim Hong
Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Kim Hong
Korea Electric Power Research Institute
KIM Hong
Korea University
KIM Dong
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Korea Power Engineering Co.
Schnetzer Stephen
Rutgers University
Omori Tsunehiko
Kek High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Shirai Miyuki
Niihama National College Of Technology
Miyano Kazumasa
Niigata University
KIMURA Akinori
Osaka Institute of Technology
- Observation of f'_2 (1525) Production in High Q^2 Two Photon Interactions at TRISTAN
- Assessment and Measurement of the Photoneutron Field Produced in the Varian Medical Linear Accelerator
- Prediction of SG Tube Support Plate Flow Area Blockage Rate Using SG Wide Range Level Measurements and Hydrodynamic Analysis
- Spectral Peak-Weighted Liftering of Cepstral Coefficients for Speech Recognition
- Failure Pressure Assessment of the Circumferentially Flawed Heat Exchanger Tubes