Koseki Haruhiko | Riken Research Center For Allergy & Immunology (rcai)
Koseki Haruhiko
Riken Research Center For Allergy & Immunology (rcai)
Koseki Haruhiko
Riken Center For Allergy And Immunology
Koseki Haruhiko
Riken Research Center For Allergy And Immunology Laboratory For Developmental Genetics
KOSEKI Haruhiko
RIKEN Yokohama Institute
Kato Yuko
Department of 1st internal medicine, Nippon Medical School
Nakauchi Hiromitsu
Laboratory Of Stem Cell Therapy Center For Experimental Medicine Institute Of Medical Sciences Unive
Takahashi Hirokazu
Transcriptome Profiling Group Nat'l Inst. Radiat. Sci.
Iwama Atsushi
Department of Developmental Biology, Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University
Fukumura R
Transcriptome Profiling Group Nat'l Inst. Radiat. Sci.
Fujimori Akira
Nat'l Inst. Radiat. Sci.
Transcriptome profiling group, Nat'l Instit. Radiol. Sci.
Transcriptome profiling group, Nat'l Instit. Radiol. Sci.
Transcriptome profiling group, Nat'l Instit. Radiol. Sci.
Transcriptome profiling group, Nat'l Instit. Radiol. Sci.
Transcriptome profiling group, Nat'l Instit. Radiol. Sci.
Transcriptome profiling group, Nat'l Instit. Radiol. Sci.
KITO Seiji
Transcriptome profiling group, Nat'l Instit. Radiol. Sci.
ABE Masumi
Transcriptome profiling group, Nat'l Instit. Radiol. Sci.
Noda Yuko
Nat. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Nakamura Matsuko
Nat. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Fukumura Ryutaro
Araki Ryoko
Transcriptome Profiling Group Nat'l Inst. Radiat. Sci.
Araki Ryoko
Hoki Yuko
Transcriptome Profiling Group Nat'l Instit. Radiol. Sci.
Ohhata Tatsuya
Nat'l Instit. Genet.
Kito Seiji
Lab. Anim. Dev. Res. G. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Ohhata Tatsuya
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Abe Masumi
Transcriptome Profiling Group Nat'l Inst. Radiat. Sci.
Abe Masumi
Abe Masumi
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kito Seiji
Transcriptome Profiling Group Nat'l Instit. Radiol. Sci.
Kito Seiji
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
VIDAL Miguel
Department of Developmental and Cell Biology, Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas, CSIC
Nat. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Nat. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Nakauchi Hiromitsu
Laboratory Of Stem Cell Therapy Center For Experimental Medicine Institute Of Medical Science The Un
Kato Yuko
Department Of Cellular And Molecular Medicine Graduate School Of Medicine Chiba University
Vidal Miguel
Department Of Developmental And Cell Biology Centro De Investigaciones Biologicas Csic
Iwama Atsushi
Department Of Cell Differentiation Institute Of Molecular Embryology And Genetics Kumamoto Universit
Noda Yuko
Transcriptome Profil. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Noda Yuko
Transcriptome Profiling Group Nat'l Instit. Radiol. Sci.
Toyoda Tetsuro
Riken Bioinformatics And Systems Engineering (base)
Endo Takaho
Riken Bioinformatics And Systems Engineering (base)
Watarai Hiroshi
Laboratory Of Immune Regulation Riken Research Center For Allergy And Immunology
Fukumura Ryutaro
Transcriptome Profiling Group Nat'l Inst. Radiat. Sci.
RIKEN Research Center for Allergy & Immunology (RCAI)
Sharif Jafar
Riken Research Center For Allergy & Immunology (rcai)
Fujimori Akira
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Toyoda Tetsuro
Riken Base (bioinformatics And Systems Engineering) Division
Koseki Haruhiko
Riken Research Center For Allergy And Immunology
Fujii Shin-ichiro
Riken Center For Allergy And Immunology
Taniguchi Masaru
Riken Center For Allergy And Immunology
RIKEN Center for Allergy and Immunology
YAMADA Daisuke
RIKEN Center for Allergy and Immunology
- 76 Analysis of Recql4 helicase deficient mice(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Unique Composition of Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 in Hematopoietic Stem Cells
- Divergence of CpG island promoters : A consequence or cause of evolution?
- Epigenetics in development : Decorating the genome to show or hide?
- Induced pluripotency as a potential path towards iNKT cell-mediated cancer immunotherapy