苅田 昌和 | 姫路獨協大学
- Comparing Culturally Different Values for Decision-making through theInter-net Enables Students to Gain Enthusiasm in Aggressive EnglishCommunication for Discovery, Enlightenment, and Global Values
- Enabling Students to Recognize Themselves to Be Prospective Members ofthe International Community Will Give a Hint to Create an Innovative EnglishTeaching Approach
- What Are Our Students Aiming at Through College English Classes?
- Simulated Cross-Company Correspondence to Immerse Students in RealisticCommunicative English
- What Keeps the Students Playing the Game-type CAL Program?
- "Comparing Culturally Different Values for Decision-making through the lnternet Enables Students to Gain Enthusiasm in Aggressive English Communication for Discovery, Enlightenment, and Global Values(E)"