Seki K. | Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Seki K.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Seki K.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. National Defense Med. College
Seki K.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Natl. Def. Med. Coll.
Iwata Y.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Iwata Y.
Gyn Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Lin B.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Lin B.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Seki K.
National Defense Medical College
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Tottori Univ. Sch. Med.
Sakakura K.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Seki K.
Gyn National Defense Medical College
Sakakura K.
Dept. Of Ob
Makimura N.
National Defense Medical College
Makimura N.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Natl. Def. Med. Coll.
Makimura N.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. National Defense Medical College
Makimura N.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. National Defense Med. College
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Chiba Univ. Sch. Med.
Nagata I.
National Defense Medical College
Dept. Obst. & Gynec.,Dokkyo Univ. Sch. Med.
Nagata I.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Natl. Defense Med. Coll.
Hirata J.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Natl. Def. Med. Coll.
Dept. of Electronic Engineering, National Chiao Tung Univ.
Soyama Y.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Soyama Y.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Nagata I.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. National Defense Med. Coll.
Nagata I.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Shimizu Kousei Hospital
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Shinshu Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Sch. Med. Keio Univ.
Kikuchi Y.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Natl. Def. Med. Coll.
Uesato T.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. National Defense Med. College
Tomomatsu M.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Horikoshi H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Fukuda T.
Dept. Obst & Gynec. Shinshu Univ. Med. Sch.
Kikuchi Y.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. National Defense Med. Coll.
Kasai T.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec. ,Chiba., Chiba Kaihin Hosp.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Chiba Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Chiba Univ. Sch. Med.
Takahashi S.
Dept. of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Okayama Univ.
Horikoshi H.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., St. Marianna Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Furuya K.
National Defense Medical College
Mitsui C.
National Defense Medical College
Ishida M.
Dept. Physiol., Mie Univ. Sch. Med.
Endo M.
Dept. Of Radilogy St. Marianna Univ. Sch. Med.
Mizuhara H.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Ebihara T.
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fujita-Gakuen Health University
Kizawa I.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Natl. Defense Med. Coll.
Koyama E.
Dept. Biochem., Okayama Univ. Dental School
Nakamura H.
Dept. of Obst. and Gynec., Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Kuki E.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Natl. Defense Med. Col.
Kizawa I.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Natl. Defense Med. Coll.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Tottori Univ. Sch. Med.
Mitsui C.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Natl. Def. Med. Coll.
Imaizumi E.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., National Defense Medical College
Ishikawa N.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., National Defense Medical College
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., National Defense Med. College
Kizawa I.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. National Defense Medical College
Oike H.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Ibihara S.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Sakakura K.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Iwada Y.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Ibihara S.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Seki K.
Gyn, Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.,
Saitoh Z.
Dept. of Ob
Fukuda T.
Gyn, Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.,
Iwada Y.
Gyn, Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.,
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Oike H.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Kamegai T.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Takamizawa H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Chiba Univ. Sch. Med.
Tabei T.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. National Defense Med. College
Sunaga H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. National Defense Med. College
Takahashi S.
Dept. Of Biol. Fac. Liberal Arts Yamaguchi Univ.
Kasai T.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Chiba. Chiba Kaihin Hosp.
Nakada K.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Endo M.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Niigata Univ. Sch. Med.
Ebihara T.
Dept. Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Fujita-gakuen Health University
Kuki E.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. National Defense Medical College
Imaizumi E.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. National Defense Medical College
Morikawa S.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Chiba University Sch. Med.
Kikuchi Y.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Chiba Univ. Sch. Med.
Ebihara T.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kawasaki Municipal Hosp.
Katoh T.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Chiba. Chiba Kaihin Hosp.
Kizawa I.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. National Defense Med. College
- 460 Calcium-regulating hormones and osteocalcin levels during pregnancy
- 78 Capacity of endometriotic implants to synthesize prostaglandins.
- 364.Significance of Prostaglandins in the Progress of Labor with Various Levels of Plasma Oxytocin : XXXXXXI Initiation of Labor(I)
- 158 Serum bone γ-glutamic acid containing protein during the fetal development.
- 428 Management of intrauterine adhesions with hysteroscopic resectoscope.
- 475 Transcervical resection (TCR) of submucous myoma with hysteroscopic resectoscope
- 446 Transcervical Tubal Recanalization (TTR) of cornual occlusion.
- 169. Application of the Microwave Coagulator to Gynecological Surgeries
- 381.Development of A New Instrument for Insertion of the Trocar Sleeve during Laparoscopy : XXXXXXV Sugery and Anesthesia(III)
- 283. The Development of a New Operating Hysteroscopic Fiberscope and its Clinical Application
- 35. Serum Immunoreactive Relaxin Levels in Pregnancy and Hydatidiform Mole
- 69. Interrelation between Thymus Gland and Pituitary Gonadal-axis in Rats
- 408.Establishment and Characterization of a Cultured Cell Line Derived from Human Immature Teratoma : XXXXXXIX Ovarian Tumor(III)
- 133. Development of the Electronic Video Laparoscope and its Clinical Experience