町田 元也 | Department Of Mathematics Tennessee Technological University
町田 元也
Department Of Mathematics Tennessee Technological University
Shibakov Alexander
Department of Mathematics, Tennessee Technological University
町田 元也
Tennessee Technological University
Shibakov Alexander
Tennessee Technological University
Shibakov Alexander
Department Of Mathematics Tennessee Technological University
- Probabilistic interpretation beyond completely monotone capacities (非加法性の数理と情報--凸解析との接点--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- On the existence of bivariate kernel with given marginal kernels (非加法性の数理と情報--非線形性・非可換性との接点--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Understanding Capacities on a Finite Lattice (Mathematical Studies on Independence and Dependence Structure : A Functional Analytic Point of View)