KIM Daeyeon | The University of Electro Communications
The University of Electro-Communications
KIM Daeyeon
The University of Electro Communications
KIM Daeyeon
The University of Electro-communications
Lee Kyesan
Kyunghee University
Fujii Takeo
Advanced Wireless Communication Research Center The University Of Electro-communications Japan
Fujii Takeo
The University Of Electromagnetic Communication
Fujii Takeo
Univ. Electro‐communications Chofu‐shi Jpn
Lee Kyesan
Department Of Electric And Radio Engineering School Of Electronics And Information Kyung Hee Univers
Kim Daeyeon
Advanced Wireless Communication Research Center The University Of Electro-communications Japan
Fujii Takeo
Advance Wireless Communication Research Center (awcc) University Of Electro-communications
Lee Kyesan
Kyung Hee University
LEE. Kyesan
Department of Electrons and Communications
- Resource allocation algorithm for multicasting compressed video packets over OFDM channel (通信方式)
- OFDMA Resource Allocation for Multicasting Video to Users with Heterogeneous Equipments
- OFDMA Resource Allocation for Multicasting Video to Users with Heterogeneous Equipments (モバイルマルチメディア通信)