Holtzer H. | Dept. Cell Dev. Biol. & Physiol. Univ. Penn.
Lin Z.
Dept. Cell Biol., Beijing Med. Univ.
Holtzer S.
Dept. Cell Dev. Biol. & Physiol., Univ. Penn.
Sweeney H.
Dept. Cell Dev. Biol. & Physiol., Univ. Penn.
Holtzer H.
Dept. Cell Dev. Biol. & Physiol., Univ. Penn.
Holtzer H.
Dept. Cell Dev. Biol. & Physiol. Univ. Penn.
Holtzer S.
Dept. Cell Dev. Biol. & Physiol. Univ. Penn.
Sweeney H.
Dept. Cell Dev. Biol. & Physiol. Univ. Penn.
Lin Z.
Dept. Cell Biol. Beijing Med. Univ.
Dept. of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Kentucky, College of Medicine, Lexington, Kentucky
Matsuda R.
Dept. Bio, sci, the Univ. Tokyo
Franzini-armstrong C.
Dept. Of Cell And Developmental Biology Univ. Of Penn.
Ojima K.
Dept. Cell Dev. Biol. & Physiol. Univ. Penn.
Bang M-L.
Labeit S.
Dept. Anesthesiol. Intensive Operative Care, Klinikum
Labeit S.
Dept. Anesthesiol. Intensive Operative Care Klinikum
Dept. of Anatomy, Medical School, Univ. of Gunma
Dept. of Cell and Developmental Biology, Univ. of Penn.
Protasi F.
Dept. Of Cell And Developmental Biology Univ. Of Penn.
Hijikata T.
Dept. Of Anatomy Medical School Univ. Of Gunma
Lin Z.X.
Dept. of Cell Biology, Beijing Institute for Cancer Research
Lin Z.X.
Dept. Cell Biol., Beijing Med. Univ.
- DISTINCT FAMILIES OF Z-LINE TARGETING MODULES IN THE C-TERMINAL REGION OF NEBULIN(Cell Biology and Morphology)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- Independent Assembly of 1.6 um Long Bipolar MHC Filaments and I-Z-I Bodies