Mishra Banabehari | Department Of Geology Dharanidhar Autonomous College
Mishra Banabehari
Department Of Geology Dharanidhar Autonomous College
Mishra Banabehari
Department of Geology, Dharanidhar Autonomous College
[前島 渉]
前島 渉
前島 渉
Mishra Purna
Directorate of Geology, Bhubigyan bhavan
Khan M.W.Y.
School of Studies in Geology and Water Resources, Pundit. Ravishankar Shukla University
Mishra Banabehari
Department Of Geology Khallikote Autonomous College
Mishra Banabehari
Department Of Geology Khallikote University
Mishra Purna
Bhubigyan Bhavan Orissa Ind
Mishra Purna
Directorate Of Geology Bhubigyan Bhavan
Khan M.w.y.
School Of Studies In Geology And Water Resources Pundit. Ravishankar Shukla University
Hota Rabindra
Department of Geology, Utkal University
Hota Rabindra
Department Of Geology Utkal University
Maejima Wataru
Osaka City Univ. Osaka Jpn
Maejima Wataru
Department Of Geoscience Faculty Of Science Osaka City University
Hota Rabindea
Department Of Geology Utakal University
Maejima Wataru
Department Of Geology Osaka City University
- Geomorphological Studies of Southern Part of Ganjam Coast, Orissa, India
- Antidunes and antidune stratification in the Permo-Carboniferous Talchir Formation, Talchir Gondwana basin, Orissa, India
- Turbidite channel and overbank-levee sedimentation of the Permo-Carboniferous Talchir Formation, Talchir Gondwana basin, Orissa, India