Nakano K | Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University | 論文
- 円形噴流の組織構造に対するレイノルズ数の影響
- Phosphate Modulates Ca^ Uptake and α- Amylase Secretion in Suspension - Cultured Cells of Rice
- Possible Involvement of Phosphoinositide-Ca^ Signaling in the Regulation of α-Amylase Expression and Germination of Rice Seed(Oryza sativa L.)
- イネ培養細胞のα-アミラーゼ分泌制御におけるホスフォイノシチドシグナリングの関与
- Phosphate modulates Ca2+ uptake and α-amylase secretion in suspension-cultured cells of rice