Jemal Mohammed | Bristol-myers Squibb
Jemal Mohammed
Bristol-myers Squibb
Ouyang Zheng
Bristol-myers Squibb
JEMAL Mohammed
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
TEITZ Deborah
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Olah Timothy
Bristol-myers Squibb Research And Development Bioanalytical And Discovery Analytical Sciences
Almond Robert
Bristol-myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Jemal Mohammed
Bristol-myers Squibb Research And Development Bioanalytical And Discovery Analytical Sciences
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Research and Development, Bioanalytical and Discovery Analytical Sciences
Discenza Lorell
Bristol-myers Squibb Research And Development Bioanalytical And Discovery Analytical Sciences
Patel Atul
Bristol-myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Ouyang Zheng
Bristol-myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute
- Negative ion electrospray high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method development for determination of a highly polar phosphonic acid/sulfonic acid compound in plasma Optimization of ammonium acetate concentration and in-source collisi
- Gas chromatography-mass spectrometric method for quantitative determination in human urine of dicarboxylic (dioic) acids produced in the body as a consequence of cholesterol biosynthesis inhibition
- LC-MS/MS method using unbonded silica column and aqueous/methanol mobile phase for the simultaneous quantification of a drug candidate and co-administered metformin in rat plasma
- Quantitative determination of BMS186716, a thiol compound, in dog plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography-positive ion electrospray mass spectrometry after formation of the methyl acrylate adduct
- Quantitative determination of BMS-186716, a thiol compound, in rat plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography-positive ion electrospray mass spectrometry after hydrolysis of the methyl acrylate adduct by the native esterases
- Direct injection for high sample throughput capillary gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric bioanalysis