Suto Yasuo | Shimane Prefecture Forest Research Center
Suto Yasuo
Shimane Prefecture Forest Research Center
Ougi Daisuke
Shimane Prefecture Forest Research Center
Suto Y
Shimane Prefecture Forest Res. Center Shimane Jpn
KAWAI Mikiko
Shimane Prefecture Forest Research Center
Ougi D
Shimane Prefecture Forest Research Center
- Mycopappus quercus sp. nov., causing frosty mildew in Quercus acutissima
- Symptom Development of the Resinous Stem Canker Caused by Inoculation with Cistella japonica onto Chamaecyparis obtusa
- Etiology of the Resinous Stem Canker of Chamaecyparis obtusa : Cistella japonica as the Causal Agent
- Lecanosticta acicola, causal fungus of brown spot needle blight in Pinus thunbergii, new to Japan
- Mycosphaerella chaenomelis sp. nov. : the teleomorph of Cercosporella sp., the causal fungus of frosty mildew in Chaenomeles sinensis, and its role as the primary infection source