Umahara T | Department Of Geriatric Medicine Tokyo Medical University
Umahara Takahiko
Umahara Takahiko
Department Of Geriatrics Tokyo Medical University
Umahara T
Department Of Geriatric Medicine Tokyo Medical University
岩本 俊彦
東京医科大学 放射線医学講座
Department of Geriatric Medicine, Tokyo Medical University
Shibata Noriyuki
Dept. Of Pathology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Sakayori Noriko
Department Of Pathology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Kato Shinsuke
Department Of Neruopathology Tottori University
Kanaya Kiyoshi
Department Of Geriatrics Tokyo Medical University
Kanaya Kiyoshi
- Demonstration of neuropil thread-like structures in the spinal cord white matter in progressive supranuclear palsy: An immunohistochemical investigation
- White matter changes in early-onset Alzheimer's disease brains
- Demonstration and distribution of tau-positive glial coiled body-like structures in white matter and white matter threads in early onset Alzheimer's disease
- Peripheral T-cell lymphoma presenting as myelofibrosis with the expression of basic fibroblast growth factor
- Demonstration of neurofibrillary tangles in the indusium griseum and of axonal disturbances in sagittal sulcal lesions of the corpus callosum: An immunohistochemical investigation