Hokanishi H | Perinatal Med. Center, Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Ikenoue T
Perinatology Center Kagoshima Municipal Hospital
Ikenoue T
Dept. Obst. Gynec. Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Hokanishi H
Perinatal Med. Center, Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Ikenoue T
Perinatal Med. Center Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Hokanishi H
Perinatal Med. Center Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Iitoh J
Dept. Obst. Gynec. Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Ibara S
Dept. Obst. Gynec. Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Iito J
Perinatal Med. Center, Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Ibara S
Perinatal Med. Center, Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Murakami N
Perinatal Med. Center, Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Kuraya K
Perinatal Med. Center, Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Sameshima H
Perinatal Med. Center, Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Kuraya K
Perinatal Med. Center Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
Sameshima H
Perinatal Med. Center Kagoshima Municipal Hosp.
- Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) in Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) Infants
- Effect of Graded Hypoxia on Fetal Breathing Electro-ocular, and Electro-cortical Activities in Sheep