YASUMOTO Yoshimasa | Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
YASUMOTO Yoshimasa
Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
Yasumoto Yoshimasa
Institute Of Scientific And Indttstrial Research Osaka University
Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Inc
Takeuchi Ryoichi
Institute Of Scientific And Indttstrial Research Osaka University
Nakamura Akira
Institute Of Biological Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Nakamura Akira
Institute Of Scientific And Indttstrial Research Osaka University
Takeuchi Ryoichi
Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
Takeuchi Ryoichi
Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
Sugimoto Koichi
Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
- Stress Amplitude and Temperature Dependence of Attenuation and Velocity of Acoustic Shock Pulse in High-Damping Mn-Cu Alloy
- Waveform Variation of Reflected Acoustic Shock Pulse due to Work Hardening at a Solid-Solid Interface
- Attenuation Characteristics Dependent on Amplitude of Acoustic Shock Pulse Propagating in Aluminum Rod
- On Wave Form of Acoustic Shock Pulse in Aluminum
- Generation of Acoustic Shock Pulse in Aluminum
- Amplitude Dependence of Attenuation and Velocity of Acoustic shock Pulse in Fe-Cr-Al Alloy
- Amplitude Dependence of Reflection Characteristics for Acoustic Shock Pulse at a Solid-Solid Interface