Moon J. | Korea Research Institute Of Bioscience And Biotech.
Moon J.
Korea Research Institute Of Bioscience And Biotech.
Moon J.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hur Y.
Univ. Of Illinois At U-c
Park J.
Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
Park J.
Korea Research Institute Of Bioscience And Biotech.
Nam M.
Chungnam National University
Choi D.
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Moon J.
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Yun S.
Univ. of Illinois at U-C
Nam M.
Chungnam National Univ.
Choi D.
Korea Research Institute Of Bioscience And Biotech.
高宮 幸一
関本 俊
Domier L.
Univ. Of Illinois At U-c
Kim S.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Jeong M.
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Yun S.
Chungnam National University
Hur Y.
Chungnam National University
Bent A.
Univ. of Wisconsin-M.
Kim H.
Univ. of Illinois at U-C
中野 幸廣
中野 幸廣
福谷 哲
奥村 良
Chung Y.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
- (353) Identification of Viral Factor Causing Systemic Death in Arabidopsis Plant from Tobacco Ring Spot Virus (TRSV)(Abstract of the Paper Presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting in Sapporo)
- (352) RTR1 Induces Systemic Necrosis in Tobacco ring spot virus-infected Arabidopsis Plants and Possibly Acts as Dominant Negative Regulator(Abstract of the Paper Presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting in Sapporo)
- 製錬工場周辺土壌中のアンチモン・ヒ素濃度の分布(平成20年度京大原子炉実験所専門研究会)