YAMAGUCHI Yoshihiro | Teikyo Heisei University
Teikyo Heisei University
Yamaguchi Yoshihiro
Teikyo Heisei Univ. Chiba Jpn
Yamaguchi Yoshihiro
Teikyo Heisei Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Tanikawa Kiyotaka
National Astronomical Obseruatory
National Astronomical Observatory
Tanikawa Kiyotaka
National Astrunomical Observatory
Yamaguchi Yoshihiro
Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Department of Microbial Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University
Department of Physics, Science University of Tokyo
Tanikawa K
National Astronomical Observatory Mitaka Jpn
Yamaguchi Y
Faculty Of Science And Technology Kinki University
Yamaguchi Y
Teikyo Heisei Univ. Ichihara Jpn
Yamaguchi Yoshihiro
Faculty Of Science And Technology Kinki University
Yamaguchi Y
Teikyo Heisei University
National Astronomical Observatory
Tanikawa Kiyotaka
National Astronomical Observatory Mitaka Jpn
Yamaguchi Yoshihiro
Teikyo Heisei University:national Astronomical Observatory
National Astronomical Observatory
- A New Interpretation of the Symbolic Codes for the Henon Map(General and Mathematical Physics)
- Dynamical Ordering of Periodic Accelerator Modes in the Standard Mapping(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Generalized Dynamical Ordering and Topological Entropy in the Henon Map(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Topological Entropy in a Forced Duffing System(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Non-Birkhoff Periodic Orbits in a Circle Map
- Dynamical Ordering of Non-Birkhoff Orbits and Topological Entropy in the Standard Mapping
- Increase of Topological Entropy until the Three-Fold Horseshoe is Completed(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- A New Interpretation of the Symbolic Codes for the Henon Map. II(General and Mathematical Physics)
- Generalized Horseshoes in the Standard Mapping(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Dynamical Ordering of Symmetric Periodic Orbits for the Area Preserving Henon Map(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Symmetric Periodic Orbits and Topological Entropy in the Two-Dimensional Cubic Map(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Non-Birkhoff Periodic Orbits of Farey Type and Dynamical Ordering in the Standard Mapping. II(Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics)
- Phase Transitions of Route Patterns in the Steiner's Problem with Four Cities
- Non-Birkhoff Orbits with 2n Turning Points in the Standard Map
- New Period-Doubling and Equiperiod Bifurcations of the Reversible Area-Preserving Map(General and Mathematical Physics)