Sako Y | Depatment Of Medicine And Bioregulatory Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu Universit
- 同名の論文著者
- Depatment Of Medicine And Bioregulatory Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu Universitの論文著者
Sako Y
Depatment Of Medicine And Bioregulatory Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu Universit
Sako Yasuhiro
Depatment Of Medicine And Bioregulatory Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu Universit
Sakai Y
Hirosaki Univ. School Of Medicine Hirosaki Jpn
Sakai Yoshiyuki
Department Of Rheumatology And Medicine Medical Institute Of Bioregulation Kyushu University
Nawata H
Department Of Medicine And Bioregulatory Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu Universi
Nawata H
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Nawata Hajime
九州大学 医研究院病態制御内科学
Nawata Hajime
Department Of Medicine And Bioregulatory Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyusyu Universi
Sakai Y
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Nishimura Junji
九州大学病院別府先進医療センター 免疫・血液・代謝内科
- Secretion of Insulin and Glucagon by the Perfused Pancreas of Genetically Obese (fa/fa) Zucker Rats and Its Alteration with Aging
- Expression of Adipose Differentiation-Related Protein (ADRP) Is Conjointly Regulated by PU.1 and AP-1 in Macrophages
- Extranodal Multiple Involvement of Enteropathy-Type T-Cell Lymphoma without Expression of CC Chemokine Receptor 7
- Successful treatment of pure red cell aplasia and autoimmune cytopenia with cyclosporine and prednisolone in a patient with Sjogren's syndrome
- Primary Sjogren's syndrome complicated by sarcoidosis and psoriasis vulgaris
- Expansion of identical B-cell clones in the bilateral parotid glands and their circulation in the peripheral blood in a patient with Sjogren's syndrome
- Immunohistochemical Study of Cytochrome b5 in Human Adrenal Gland and in Adrenocortical Adenomas from Patients with Cushing's Syndrome
- Cyclic Cushing's Disease in Long-Term Remission with a Daily Low Dose of Bromocriptine
- Serum Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA-Sulfate (DHEA-S)in Alzheimer's Disease and in Ceredrovascular Dementia
- Impaired Feedback Inhibition of Insulin Secretion by Hyperinsulinemia in Patients with Insulinoma