秀村 欣二 | 青山学院大学
BROWNING, R., The Emperor Julian., Pp. xii+256, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1975. / SZIDAT, J., Historischer Kommentar zu Ammianus Marcellinus Buck XX-XXI. Teil I : Die Erhebung Julians., Historia Einzelschriften Heft 31., Pp. 200, Franz Steiner Verl
荒井献, 『使徒行伝・上巻』, 現代新約注解全書, B6判, vii+431貢, 新教出版社, 東京, 1977., 4800円.
MOMIGLIANO, Arnaldo, ALIEN WISDOM, The Limits of Hellenization., 174 Pp., Cambridge U. P., Cambridge, 1975., £4.50.
HOEHNER, Harold W., HEROD ANTIPAS, Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 17, Pp. xv+437, the University Press, Cambridge, 1972.
HALSBERGHE, Gaston H., The Cult of Sol Invictus, Leiden, E. J. Brill, Pp. xi+175, 1972., \7,680
NOCK, A. D., Essays on Religion and the Ancient World, selected and edited, with an Introduction, Bibliography of Nock's Writings and Indexes by Zeph Stewart, Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 2 vols., Pp. xvii+1029, 1972, £15