NISHIDA Hiroto | Department of Radiology, Asanogawa General Hospital
利波 久雄
利波 久雄
Toga H
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Kanazawa Medical University
SAKUMA Tsutomu
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Kanazawa Medical University
Sakuma Tsutomu
Department Of Thoracic Surgery Kanazawa Medical University
Sakuma Tsutomu
金沢医科大学 呼吸機能治療学
Oguchi Manabu
金沢医科大学 放医
Oguchi Manabu
Department Of Radiology Kanazawa Medical University
Higashi Kotaro
Department Of Thoracic Surgery Kanazawa Medical University
Higashi K
Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School Of Medical Sci.
- Assessment of VEGF-D expression measured by immunohistochemical staining and F-18 FDG uptake on PET as biological prognostic factors for recurrence in patients with surgically resected lung adenocarcinoma
- VEGF-A and its isoform VEGF_ mRNA expression measured by quantitative real-time RT-PCR : correlation with F-18 FDG uptake and aggressiveness of lung adenocarcinoma : preliminary study