Uchida H | National Research Inst. Agricultural Engineering Tsukuba Jpn
Tanaka Koji
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
Tanaka K
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Salim M
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Salim Muhammad
Fac. of Agr., Kyoto Univ.
Ando Kazuo
Fac. of Agr., Kyoto Univ.
Tanaka Koji
CSEAS, Kyoto Univ.
CSEAS, Kyoto Univ.
Uchida H
National Research Inst. Agricultural Engineering Tsukuba Jpn
Ando K
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Tanaka K
Niigata Univ. Niigata
- 132 Rice-Based Cropping Systems in the Low-Lying Areas of Bangladesh : II. Cropping Patterns and Their Distribution in the Bil and Haor Areas
- 131 Rice-Based Cropping Systems in the Low-Lying Areas of Bangladesh : I. Toposequences, Land Classification and Water Condition in the Bil and Haor Areas