Isawa Y | Hiroshima Univ. Higashi‐hiroshima
Hiroshima Univ. Higashi‐hiroshima | 論文
- Heterogeneous Mixed-Valence States in RPd_3S_4 (R=Eu and Yb) Viewed from Thermopower, Electrical Resistivity and Specific Heat
- Thermoelectric Properties of Valence-Fluctuating Eu Compound with a Clathrate-Like Structure, Eu_3Pd_Ge_6(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Mgagnetic and Optical Properties)
- Anisotropic Magnetic Phase Diagram of Kondo-Lattice Compound Ce_3Pd_Ge_6 with Quadrupolar Ordering
- Suppression of Antiferromagnetism by Kondo Effect and Quantum Critical Behavior in CeCoGe_Si_x(0≤x≤3)
- Third-Order Magnetic Susceptibility and Quadrupolar Order Parameter of Kondo-Lattice Compound Ce_3Pd_Ge_6 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.