Uede T. | Section of′ Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological Science,′ Hokkaido University′ Hokkaido U
- 同名の論文著者
- Section of′ Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological Science,′ Hokkaido University′ Hokkaido Uの論文著者
Uede T.
Section of′ Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological Science,′ Hokkaido University′ Hokkaido U
Uede T.
Section Of Immunopathogenesis Institute Of′ Immunological Science Hokkaido University′ Hokkaido University. Vol. 2.
Murakami M.
Section′ of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological Science,′ Hokkaido University
Kon S.
Section Of′ Immunopathogenesis Institute Of Immunological Science ′ Hokkaido University
′ Chambers
The London Redional Cancer Center
Kon S.
Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological′ Science, Hokkaido University
Segawa T.
Immuno-Biological Laboratories
Inobe M.
Section of Immunopathogenesis,′ Institute of Immunological Science, Hokkaido University
Rashid M.M.
Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of′ Immunological Science, Hokkaido University
Rashid M.m.
Section Of Immunopathogenesis Institute Of′ Immunological Science Hokkaido University
Kon S.
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Sapporo′ Medical University School Of Medicine
Inobe M.
Section Of Immunopathogenesis Institute′ Of Immunological Science Hokkaido University
Nakagawa I.
Section of′ Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological′ Science, Hokkaido University
Yamada A.
Section of′ Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological Science,′ Hokkaido University
Takiguchi M.
Section Of Immunopathogenesis Institute′ Of Immunological Science Hokkaido University And′ Departmen
Uede T.
Division of Molecular′ Immunology, Institute for Genetic Medicine, Hokkaido′ University
Uede T.
Division Of Molecular′ Immunology Institute For Genetic Medicine Hokkaido′ University
Abe T.
Department of Exercise and Sport Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Maeda M.
Immuno-Biological′ Laboratories
Hagiwara Y.
Immuno-′ Biological Labratories
Horikoshi Y.
Immuno-Biological Laboratories
′ Chikuma
′ Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological′ Science, Hokkaido University
Tanaka K.
Section of Immunopathogenesis,′ Institute of Immunological Science, Hokkaido University
Rashid M.M.
′ Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological′ Science, Hokkaido University
′ Chambers
′ Division of Experimental Oncology, Department of Oncology,′ The London Regional Cancer Center
Chiba S.
Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological′ Science, Hokkaido University and Departme
Okamoto H.
Department of′ Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido University Medical′ School
Shiraiwa H.
Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of′ Immunological Science, Hokkaido University
′ Maeda
Immuno-Biological Laboratories
Kitabatake A.
Department of′ Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido University Medical′ School
Okumura K.
Department of HospitalPharmacy, School of Medicine, Kobe University
Chambers A.
Division Of′ Experimental Oncology Department Of Oncology The′ London Regional Cancer Center
Yagita H.
Department Of Immunology ′ Juntendo University School Of Medicine
Katagiri Y.U.
Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological′ Science, Hokkaido University
Sleeman T.
Institute of Genetics,′ Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Fujii H.
Research Institute for Wakan-′ Yaku (Traditional Sino-Japanese Medicines), Toyama Medical′ and Pharm
Herrich P.
Institute of Genetics,′ Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Hotta H.
Section of′ Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological Science,′ Hokkaido University
′ Tanaka
Section of Immunopathogenesis,′ Institute of Immunological Science, Hokkaido University
Chikuma S.
′ Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological′ Science, Hokkaido University
′ Murakami
′ Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological′ Science, Hokkaido University
Saiki I.
Research Institute for′ Wakan-Yaku (Traditional Sino-Japanese Medicines), Toyama′ Medical and Pharma
Sleeman T.
Institute Of Genetics ′ Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Herrich P.
Institute Of Genetics ′ Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Katagiri Y.u.
Section Of Immunopathogenesis Institute Of Immunological′ Science Hokkaido University
′ Chikuma
′ Section Of Immunopathogenesis Institute Of Immunological′ Science Hokkaido University
Chikuma S.
Section Of Immunopathogenesis Institute Of Immunological′ Science Hokkaido University
Tanaka K.
′ Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological′ Science, Hokkaido University
′ Chikuma
Section Of Immunopathogenesis ′ Institute Of Immunological Science Hokkaido University
Chikuma S.
′ Section Of Immunopathogenesis Institute Of Immunological′ Science Hokkaido University
Takiguchi M.
Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological′ Science, Hokkaido University and Departme
Kawaguchi Y.
′ Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological′ Science, Hokkaido University
Hashimoto A.
Section of′ Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological Science,′ Hokkaido University and Departm
Todo S.
′ Department Of Surgery I Sapporo Medical University School Of′ Medicine
Konishi K.
Section of′ Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological Science,′ Hokkaido University and Departm
Cruz G.L.
Section of′ Immunopathogenesis, Institute of Immunological Science,′ Hokkaido University
Takehara M.
Section of Immunopathogenesis, Institute′ of Immunological Science, Hokkaido University and′ Departm
Morikawa ′
Department of Surgery II, Sapporo Medical′ University School of Medicine
Shijubo N.
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical′ University School of Medicine
Cruz G.l.
Section Of′ Immunopathogenesis Institute Of Immunological Science ′ Hokkaido University
Kitabatake A.
Department Of′ Cardiovascular Medicine Hokkaido University Medical′ School
Shijubo N.
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Sapporo Medical′ University School Of Medicine
Hotta H.
Section Of′ Immunopathogenesis Institute Of Immunological Science ′ Hokkaido University
Saiki I.
Research Institute For′ Wakan-yaku (traditional Sino-japanese Medicines) Toyama′ Medical And Pharmaceutical University
Uede T.
Section Of′ Immunopathogenesis Institute Of Immunological Science ′ Hokkaido University′ Hokkaido University. Vol. 2.
Uede T.
Section Of Immunopathogenesis ′ Institute Of Immunological Science Hokkaido University′ Hokkaido University. Vol. 2.
Uede T.
Section Of′ Immunopathogenesis Institute Of Immunological Science ′ Hokkaido University′ Hokkaido University. Vol. 1.
- Antibodies to different peptides in osteopontin reveal′ complexities in the various secreted forms.
- The role of osteopontin in the development of granulomatous′ lesions in lung.
- CD44 variants but not CD44s cooperate with _1-containing′ integrins′ to permit cells to osteopontin independently of arginine-′ glycine-aspartic acid, thereby stimulating cell motility and′ chemotaxis.
- Janus kinase 2 is associated with a box 1-like motif and′ phosphorylates a critical tyrosine residue in the cytoplasmic′ region of cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated molecule-4.
- Blockade of CD28/CTLA4-B7 pathway prevented′ autoantibody-related diseases but not lung disease in MRL/′ lpr mice.
- Blocking the CD28-B7 T-cell costimulatory pathway abrogates′ the development of obliterative brochiolitis in a murine′ heterotopic airway Model.
- Vascular endothelial growth factor and osteopontin in stage I′ lung adenocarcinoma.