OHISO Isao | Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
Nishi N
Graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University
Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
Ohiso Isao
Graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University
OKA Masahito
Research Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, Osaka Prefecture University
Oka Masahito
Research Institute For Advanced Science And Technology Osaka Prefecture University
TSUNEMI Masahiko
Peptide Institute Inc.
Tsunemi Masahiko
Peptide Institute Inc
Nishi Norio
Graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University
Nishi Norio
Division Of Bioscience Graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University
TOKURA Seiichi
Division of Bioscience, Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
- Theoretical Conformational Analysis of the Tandem Repeat Sequence in RNA Polymerase II
- Conformational Study of the Tandem Repeat Sequence in RNA Polymerase II by Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
- Interaction of Tandem Repeat Sequence in RNA Polyemerase II with DNA