No Hee | Department Of Nuclear And Quantum Engineering Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
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- Department Of Nuclear And Quantum Engineering Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technologyの論文著者
No Hee
Department Of Nuclear And Quantum Engineering Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
NO Hee
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Lee Dong
Department Of Aerospace Engineering Chonbuk National University
Lee Dong
Department Of Environmental Atmospheric Science Pukyong National University
Lee Dong
Department Of Biotechnology College Of Natural Science Dongguk University
Kim Chang
Department Of Biochemistry University Of Oxford
NO Hee
Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
KIM Chang
Department of Internal Medicine and AIDS Research Institute, Yonsei University College of Medicine
No H
Korea Advanced Inst. Of Sci. And Technol. Daejeon Kor
Lee Sang
Department Of Nuclear Quantum Engineering Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
- A Disturbance Wave Instability Model for Annular-to-intermittent Flow Transition in Vertical Two-phase Flow System
- An Experimental Study of Thermal-hydraulic Phenomena in the Downcomer with a Direct Vessel Injection System of APR1400 during the LBLOCA Reflood Phase
- Assessment of an Ultrasonic Sensor and a Capacitance Probe for Measurement of Two-phase Mixture Level
- Wastage and Self-Plugging by a Potential CO_2 Ingress in a Supercritical CO_2 Power Conversion System of an SFR
- The Implementation of a Three-field Model into TRAC-M/F90 and its Application to Annular-mist Flow
- Application of Hyperbolicity Breaking Model to the Prediction of Post-dryout Flow Regime Transition from Inverted Annular Flow
- Assessment of an Ultrasonic Sensor and a Capacitance Probe for Measurement of Two-phase Mixture Level