Yi K‐s | Pusan National Univ. Pusan Kor
Lee S‐g
Seonam Univ. Chonbuk Kor
PARK Chong-Yun
Department of Physics and Institute of Basic Science and BK21, Sung Kyun Kwan University
Park C‐y
Lg Electronics Seoul Kor
Lee Sung-gap
Department Of Electric And Electronics Engineering Seonam University
Jang M‐s
Pusan National Univ. Pusan Kor
Jang Min-su
Department Of Physics Pusan National University
Jang Min-su
Department Of Physics And Research Center For Dielectric And Advanced Matter Physics Pusan National
YI Kyung-Soo
Department of Physics, Pusan National University
LEE Sang-Geun
Department of Physics, Sung Kyun Kwan University
Yi K‐s
Pusan National Univ. Pusan Kor
- Magnetic Properties of High-T_c Bi_Pb_Ca_2Sr_2Cu_3O_y Superconductor
- Normal-State Resistivity of the (Bi/Pb)-Ca-Sr-Cu-Oxide System