Tachi N | Chubu University
TACHI Norihide
Chubu University
Tachi Norihide
名古屋市立大学 医学研究科環境保健学
Tachi Norihide
名古屋市立大学 衛生
Tachi Norihide
東海学園大学 管理栄養学科
Tachi Norihide
College Of Life And Health Sciences Chubu University
Tachi N
Chubu University
Labour Protection Department, ILO
Itani Toru
Labour Protection Department Ilo
Itani Toru
Labour Protection Dep. Ilo
Takeyama Hidemaro
Faculty Of Human Wellness Department Of Registered Dietitians Tokaigakuen University
- Interactive Model of Subsidiary Behaviors, Work Performance and Autonomic Nerve Activity during Visual Display Terminal Work
- Effects of a Modified Ambulance Night Shift System on Fatigue and Physiological Function among Ambulance Paramedics
- Achievement of the POSITIVE (Participation-Oriented Safety Improvement by Trade Union InitiatiVE) Activities in the Philippines
- A Case Study on Evaluations of Improvements Implemented by WISE Projects in the Philippines
- Approaches to Occupational Health Based on Participatory Methodology in Small Workplaces
- Estimation of Energy Expenditure during Sedentary Work with Upper Limb Movement
- Psycho-Physiological Effects of Naps during Night Shifts on Morning Types and Evening Types
- Growth after Puberty in Rats Prenatally Exposed to Cigarette Smoke