SHINODA Hiroyuki | Ritsumeikan University
SHINODA Hiroyuki
Ritsumeikan University
Shinoda H
Ritsumeikan University
Mizokami Yoko
Department Of Photonics Ritsumeikan University
Ikeda M
Ritsumeikan Univ. Shiga Jpn
Ikeda Mitsuo
Department Of Imaging And Printing Technology Chulalongkorn University
SHINODA Hiroyuki
Department of Photonics, Ritsumeikan University
Shinoda Hiroyuki
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Shinoda Hiroyuki
Department Of Dermatology Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Shinoda Hiroyuki
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
溝上 陽子
Ikeda Mitsuo
Ritsumeikan University
Yamaguchi H
Gunma Univ. Gunma
Yamaguchi H
Electrotechnical Lab. Ibaraki Jpn
Yamaguchi H
Inst. Physical And Chemical Res. (riken) Saitama
Yamaguchi H
Akita Prefectual University
Ikeda M
Ritsumeikan University
Yamaguchi H
Ritsumeikan University
Ikeda Mitsuo
Department Of Photonics Faculty Of Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Ritsumeikan University
Department of Photonics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Thiangthangtum Yuwadee
Department Of Photonics Faculty Of Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
IKEDA Mitsuo
Department of Photonics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Nakane Sachi
Department Of Photonics. Faculty Of Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Ritsumeikan University
Phuangsuwan Chanprapha
Chulalongkorn University
Ikeda Mitsuo
Chulalongkorn Univ. Tha
Rattanakasamsuk Kitirochna
Ritsumeikan University
Pichayada Katemake
Chulalongkorn University
- Color Constancy in a Photograph Perceived as a Three-Dimensional Space
- Color Appearance of a Patch Explained by RVSI for the Conditions of Various Colors of Room Illumination and of Various Luminance Levels
- Effect of Projection Size of Partition Frame on Separation of Two Recognized Visual Spaces of Illumination
- Effect of Projection Size of Partition Frame on Separation of Two Recognized Visual Spaces of Illumination
- Color Property of the Recognized Visual Space of Illumination Controlled by Interior Color as the Initial Visual Information
- Phenomena of Apparent Lightness Interpreted by Recognized Visual Space of Illumination
- Apparent Lightness Influenced by the Size of the Recognized Visual Space of Illumination
- Lightness Change as Perceived in Relation to the Size of Recognized Visual Space of Illumination
- Three Dimensionality of the Recognized Visual Space of Illumination Provea by Hidden Illumination
- Effect of the Highest Lightness on the Brightness Size of the Recognized Visual Space of Illumination
- Brightness in Natural Environments Evaluated Using the Brightness Size of Recognized Visual Space of Illumination
- Determinant of the Size of Recognized Visual Space of Illumination in a Natural Environment
- Size Effect of the Immediate Surround for the Border between the Natural and Unnatural Object Color Appearance
- Room Illuminance rather than Immediate Surrounding Luminance Determines Natural to Unnatural Color of an Object Border
- 4BN-5 The color constancy in a 3D space perceived stereoscopically(4B Color psychology and vision,Oral Presentation of Internatiol Conference,Special Issue the 43rd Annual Meeting)