Zhang W | Ehime Univ. School Of Medicine Shigenobu Jpn
Zhang W
Ehime Univ. School Of Medicine Shigenobu Jpn
Zhang W
Japan Sci. And Technol. Agency Sendai Jpn
Inoue Superliquid Glass Project, Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology, Japan Science and Tec
Zhang Wei
Inoue Superliquid Glass Project Exploratory Research Advanced Technology Japan Science And Technology Corporation
Zhang W
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Inoue Akihisa
Institute For Materials Research
Inoue Akihisa
Institiute For Materials Resarch Tohoku University
INOUE Akihisa
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Zhang W
Data Storage Institute
Department of Health Toxicology, School of Radiation Medicine and Public Health, Soochow University,
- Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Nonlinear Optical Property of Two New Chromophores Containing Furan Ring as a Conjugation Bridge
- Arylaldehydes-pentafluorophenyl Hydrazones as Second-order Nonlinear Optical Chromophores : A Novel Approach for Remarkably Defeating the Nonlinearity-transparency Trade-off
- Automated Experimental Assembly for Studying the Reaction-Diffusion Behavior of Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reactions under Microgravity
- Consolidation of Fe-Co-Nd-Dy-B Glassy Powders by Spark-Plasma Sintering and Magnetic Properties of the Consolidated Alloys
- Synthesis and Mechanical Properties of Cu-Based Cu-Zr-Ti Bulk Glassy Alloys Containing ZrC Particles
- Glass-Forming Ability, Crystallized Structure and Magnetic Properties of Fe_Co_Nd_3Dy_B_ Glassy Alloy with Large Supercooled Liquid Region
- Hard Magnetic Properties and Nanocrystallized Structure of Fe_Co_Pr_B_ Glassy Alloy
- Synthesis of Hard Magnet Materials by Uniaxial Hot-Pressing of fe-Co-Nd-Dy-B Glassy Powders (特集 永久磁石材料とその応用)
- Thermal Stability and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Co-Pr-B Amorphous Alloys with a Supercooled Liquid Region
- Effect of Dy Addition on the Thermal Stability and Magnetic Properties of the Fe-Co-Nd-B Amorphous Alloys with Supercooled Liquid Region