吉田 健太郎 | 京都大学理学部
吉田 健太郎
吉田 健太郎
高エネルギー加速器研究機構 理論部
吉田 健太郎
吉田 健太郎
吉田 健太郎
Kavli Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Univ. of Califonia Santa Barbara
吉田 健太郎
京大人環 素粒子論研究室
- Coset construction of gravity duals for NRCFTs
- Non-relativistic String and D-branes on AdS_5×S^5 from Semiclassical Approximation
- Higher loop Bethe ansatz for open spin chains in AdS/CFT
- Classical Integrability and Super Yangian of Superstring on AdS_5×S^5
- Partition function and open/closed string duality in type IIA string theory on a PP-wave
- Classical Solutions and Quantum Stability of Fuzzy Sphere in BMN Matrix Model(Quantum Field Theories: Fundamental Problems and Applications)
- 1.3 Supermembrane on the PP-wave Background
- Confining Phases of a Compact U(1) Gauge Theory from the Sine-Gordon/Massive Thirring Duality
- 有限温度QCDにおける非閉じ込め相転移のmaximal abelian gaugeを用いた解析(場の量子論の基礎的諸問題と応用,研究会報告)
- Membrane Fuzzy Sphere Dynamics in Plane-Wave Matrix Model(Quantum Field Theories : Fundamental Problems and Applications)
- One-Loop Flatness of Membrane Fuzzy Sphere Interaction in Plane-Wave Matrix Model(Quantum Field Theories: Fundamental Problems and Applications)